Sam Little
Ventiliatorius šildytuvo, kuris jus sušildys!
Greitas pristatymas per 2 - 4 dienas.
Product information Sam Little
Naudojimo instrukcija ir kt
Techniniai duomenys
Ventiliatoriaus šildytuvas
Ventiliatoriaus šildytuvas
Keramika / PTC
Keramika / PTC
700 - 2000 W
< 50 dB(A)
< 52 dB(A)
2.6 kg
3.5 kg
127 x 365 x 132 mm
149 x 422 x 156 mm
Energy-efficient temperature regulation
Sam little has an integrated thermostat, enabling the desired temperature to be set individually. As soon as the target temperature is reached, the fan heater will switch off automatically. If the temperature drops below the desired level, Sam little will switch on again automatically.
Maximum safety
Sam provides maximum safety, making him suitable for any room – even children’s rooms. The fan heater has tilt and overheating protection.
Compact and space-saving
A big point in Sam little’s favour is his compact size which enables him to integrate seamlessly into any room. Sam little measures just under 13 x 13 cm and is 36.5 cm high.
Sam Little
The designer
Nuo pat pradžių turėjau privilegiją kartu kurti ir kurti produktus Martin Stadler ir Stadler Form Team. Tai, kas prasidėjo nuo Fredo, išaugo į patrauklų, nedidelį, bet puikų gaminių asortimentą. Ši patirtis ir buvimas komandos dalimi labai praturtino mane ir mano, kaip dizainerio, darbą...